Sunday, January 30, 2005

Stev en Ball: A Christian Physicist Examines the Age of the Earth

Steven Ball looks at the evidence for a young creation from a scientific and religious perspective.

Amid the wreckage of this battlefield people are left to try to sort out what really makes sense. Although this book is addressed to Christians and non-Christians alike, here I offer some advice for my fellow Christians. Much of this fighting has been viewed very negatively by the non-Christian community. Forcing the public schools to teach Creation Science would not win non-Christians over to Christ. Certainly not when the premise itself is that science is wrong when it seems to disagree with the Bible. While the scientific community can be faulted for harboring contempt for those who don’t accept the commonly held theories, I would hold my fellow Christians to a higher standard. It does no good to belittle the scientific community. In fact Christians everywhere would benefit from a more healthy respect for science in general. I believe we would find science to be one of the greatest allies of the faith.

Many scientists who accept an older Earth have clear Christian faith commitments. Fortunately, most individual Christian brothers and sisters recognize that this does not compromise their faith or their love for God. The admonition given by Paul to Titus, to “shun foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law; for they are unprofitable and worthless” [Titus 3:9], is heeded by mature Christians. But the position of many churches is that these scientists are misguided Christians or worse, as out-and-out enemies of the faith, like the “tares” planted by the enemy of our souls. Meanwhile, proponents of Creation Science work to prevent
a reappraisal of this issue by the Christian community as a whole. By claiming that an acceptance of an older Earth is just the first step towards a slide down a “slippery slope” of rejecting Biblical truth in general, much fear and emotion has been generated. God Himself called upon His people to “Come now, and let us reason together” [Isaiah 1:18], which should temper our responses to those whose opinions differ. Sometimes labels are cast out in an attempt to discredit a position, in place of sound reason. Those who accept an older Earth are portrayed by a segment of the Christian community as “liberal”. But rather than labeling people for their view on this issue, shouldn’t we be willing to carefully and humbly consider the evidence? Is it really clear that one’s position on this issue implies acceptance or rejection of Biblical truth? The final chapter discusses reasons why this is not so. You are not
being asked to acquiesce to the claims of science just to avoid offending the scientists or to accept the Bible with blind faith. Rather, you are asked to consider the evidence and the Scriptures to see that they are not in conflict, but form a remarkable consistency. Jesus said “if you continue in my word, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”. The wonderful truth that I have realized is that there is no need to be afraid of science, since it truly does uphold the Word of God. Such a realization sets one free from fear and misplaced emotion, and allows one to see the beauty of science.

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