The dangers of ID: My personal observations and thoughts
From: YAHOO's Design Or Chance group
Notice how Bill O'Reilly discusses the topic... Scary
And remember Buckingham? The school board member from Dover who tried to introduce Intelligent Design into the curriculum?
When asked about ID this is his answer
ABC News Pa. Neighbors Feud Over Darwin, 'Design' Wounds Open Over School Board Decision to Propose 'Intelligent Design' as Alternate Theory to Evolution Jan. 19, 2005
The risks of ID for both science education as well as for religious faith seem immense as evidenced by these two examples.
Not only are opponents of Christianity provided with a powerful weapon to argue against God now that ID has made God a scientific theory and thus falsifiable but given the historical success of 'god of the gaps' arguments like ID's, it is likely that ID will be falsified. The flagellum, once touted as evidence of ID now seems to have become far less a compelling example.
But additionally ID presents another risk namely that by making religious people believe that there is a scientific foundation, these people may end up feeling misled and deceived. The risk of 'fellow Christians telling falsehoods' as Richard Colling describe ID's claims that the theory of evolution is in crisis is very real. Among several of my Christian friends I have found an increasing discomfort with the
claims of ID which they consider to be misleading and dishonest. And finally, since ID is all about God (yes i know some deny this but come on people...This is self evident, even Phillip Johnson is clear
So why not be upfront about it and stand behind our faith and see where the chips may fall?
Richard Colling's book describes how Christians need not be afraid of science...
Read more!
Notice how Bill O'Reilly discusses the topic... Scary
And remember Buckingham? The school board member from Dover who tried to introduce Intelligent Design into the curriculum?
When asked about ID this is his answer
When asked what intelligent design means, Buckingham answered, "Back through time, something -- molecules, amoeba, whatever -- evolved into the complexities of life we have now."
ABC News Pa. Neighbors Feud Over Darwin, 'Design' Wounds Open Over School Board Decision to Propose 'Intelligent Design' as Alternate Theory to Evolution Jan. 19, 2005
The risks of ID for both science education as well as for religious faith seem immense as evidenced by these two examples.
Not only are opponents of Christianity provided with a powerful weapon to argue against God now that ID has made God a scientific theory and thus falsifiable but given the historical success of 'god of the gaps' arguments like ID's, it is likely that ID will be falsified. The flagellum, once touted as evidence of ID now seems to have become far less a compelling example.
But additionally ID presents another risk namely that by making religious people believe that there is a scientific foundation, these people may end up feeling misled and deceived. The risk of 'fellow Christians telling falsehoods' as Richard Colling describe ID's claims that the theory of evolution is in crisis is very real. Among several of my Christian friends I have found an increasing discomfort with the
claims of ID which they consider to be misleading and dishonest. And finally, since ID is all about God (yes i know some deny this but come on people...This is self evident, even Phillip Johnson is clear
Our strategy has been to change the subject a bit so that we can get
the issue of intelligent design, which really means the reality of God, before the academic world and into the schools.
(American Family Radio, Jan 10, 2003 broadcast.)
So why not be upfront about it and stand behind our faith and see where the chips may fall?
Richard Colling's book describes how Christians need not be afraid of science...
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